Our Heart
We are Here for a Purpose
We are a passionate group of Jesus followers who believe we exist to have a great church in our region and every time we meet we expect to see God do miraculous things in people’s lives. We also expect to have great impact outside the four-walls of our buildings as God sends us to our city, our state, the nation, and the world. Over the years our church has sent and planted numerous churches and that same pioneering spirit engages us today to look for open doors of ministry on an individual level and in our community. We are known for passionate worship, zealous prayer, and focusing on the love of Christ.
Our Mission Statement
As a Spirit-filled, Missional Community, we focus on being a loving family that is centered on Jesus. We seek to love God with all that we are and demonstrate who He is in all that we do, bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to those we encounter.
Our Core Values
Faithful to the Scripture
Motivated by Grace
Passionate about Worship
Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Connected with our Community
Missionally Minded
Here for One Another’s Success
What We Believe
The Bible is the infallible Word of God, given to men by the inspiration of God, and is the authority for Christian living.
In one God, His eternal existence in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
That Jesus was and is the Son of God, that He was born of a virgin, led a sinless life, performed miracles, died on a cross, atoned for our sins, and was resurrected and ascended to the Father. Jesus is the head of the church (the community of all true believers for all time).
That all humanity is lost in sin but can receive forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ by being born again, and that man is saved by grace through faith in Christ, not by works or human effort.
That a believer is to be baptized in water by full immersion and should continue to remember the Lord’s death through the ordinance of taking communion.
That the baptism of the Holy Spirit is for every believer and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are to be practiced and fully expressed in the local church.
That Jesus will come again in power and glory and those who love Him will spend eternity with Him, that every person will be resurrected, and that there will be eternal life for the believer or eternal judgment for the lost.